"Expert SAFETY methodology, for worldwide adoption...because Safety is no Accident"

Captain Vinay Patwardhan has had a distinguished career at sea spanning nearly a quarter century, rising from the ranks as a Cadet to Captain -- serving on and commanding tankers, dry bulk carriers, container ships, and passenger ships.​
As an executive, he developed "response ability" in companies as an Operations Manager, President, and Chief Operating Officer with some of the largest companies in the world.
Prestigious past appointments include serving as an invited member of the Bergen Hull Club and the U.S. Coast Guard Towing Safety Committee.
His "turnaround expert" skills have been engaged to transform unsafe, under-performing shipping fleets to safe, world-class standards by implementing compelling safety programs to achieve real results.
His adoption of a "fail-safe airline culture" to sea vessels is dedicated to every voyage.
As a unifier of normally disconnected groups, Shore & Ship Personnel have appreciated the dialogue, transparency, and cost awareness that unites, and allows each member to succeed.